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Mentoring for creatives

Start a conversation today

Find a mentor

Be inspired by our super talented mentors - It’s time to kick it up a gear

Get to the top of your class, break into the industry or hone your skills. That’s just the start of what our amazing mentors can help with. Plus, whether you're a student or professional, it won't cost you a penny. We get a kick out of helping aspiring creatives, and that's why we're keeping this experience free. For everyone.

Meet your mentor

Finding a mentor

Browse through our list of super talented mentors, you can search by location or discipline to find your perfect match. Next, send your chosen mentor a copy of your portfolio along with a brief introduction. Then it’s time to sit back and relax, you'll hear from them soon.

Start a conversation

Once you've been accepted by your chosen mentor it's time to get in touch. This could be an email, a phone call or a chat over coffee. However you choose to start the conversation, remember... the more you put in, the more you’ll get out.

Work together

We want to make this as flexible as possible, that's why we've broken-up our mentoring sessions into three, six, nine and twelve month blocks. From students looking to get industry ready to professionals who needs advice on small projects, we've got your back.

Become a mentor

We’re inspiring creatives from around the world and would love you to join us

As a mentor you'll work with enthusiastic creatives who are eager to take it to the next level. Whether you choose to mentor a student or professional, you’ll find that you both have the power to inspire. This is also a chance for you to develop new skills and help shape the future of your industry.

Join our creative family

Finding a mentee

Potential mentees’ will send you their portfolio along with a short introduction. You then have the opportunity hand pick the best candidate. This will ensure a good fit and help build a better relationship.


We all have busy lives, that’s why we want the mentoring process to be as flexible as possible. Whether it’s a quick email, an indepth phone call or a catch-up over coffee, it’s what works best for you.

Your commitment

You can mentor in three, six, nine or twelve month blocks. A lot of our mentors choose nine months and guide a student through their academic year. Another popular option is to mentor two creatives per year, each in six month blocks.

Calling all creatives

Let’s start your conversation

However you choose to start the conversation, our global roster of super talented mentors get a real kick out of inspiring fellow creatives.

This is your chance to take things to the next level. Seriously. What are you waiting for? Sign-up

Our mentors

Super. Human.

Our global family of passionate creatives have experience as independent freelancers, running boutique agencies and working with some of the world's top brands.

Each and every one of them hungry to push the creative industry forward. Will you join them? Become a mentor